The Hydrogen Foundation and the H2 Clipper company join forces to investigate hydrogen transport

The Hydrogen Foundation of Aragon and H2 Clipper, Inc. sign collaboration agreement, agreeing to work together to achieve greater savings in transporting hydrogen

The Hydrogen Foundation of Aragon and the Californian company H2 Clipper have signed an agreement with which they aim to expand the network of international contacts related to research and the use of hydrogen transport from its creation to its consumption. It is a solution to transport green hydrogen over long distances through the use of airships, as the American company has discovered.

A plan that seeks to lay the foundations and place the foundation in a privileged position in the international arena through the Higgs project, as well as taking steps forward in economizing and promoting hydrogen in terms of its transport.

Such is the case of H2 Clipper, which has patented solutions for efficient air transport of green hydrogen over long distances and at low cost through the use of airships. These aerostats, which also use green hydrogen to propel themselves using the energy from their fuel cells, will be capable of transporting large volumes of hydrogen over distances of more than 9,000 kilometers, at a speed of about 280 kilometers per hour, at an estimated cost of four times lower than that of a conventional air vehicle and without depending on airports or air infrastructure.

Arturo Aliaga, president of the Foundation, stressed that it is “a mutual commitment to collaborate to establish research to analyze the comparative costs of transporting hydrogen”, all this also to “study the capabilities of injecting into gas pipeline networks” already used.

The Californian company is also working on systems to transport hydrogen using existing gas networks, and is therefore seeking support to introduce its technology on the market and integrate it into the entire hydrogen value chain. In this sense, the support and contact with the Aragón Hydrogen Foundation is essential for its promotion.

It is a reality that the production of hydrogen is already clearly implemented in Aragonese territory, and that is why now it is sought to know “how to transport hydrogen in large quantities and at what prices”, which is why it has been carried out said union with H2 Clipper.

The meeting has served to learn about the projects of the Californian company and to sign a collaboration document in terms of knowledge between H2 Clipper and the Foundation.