Hydrogen-fuelled green freight H2 Clipper plans to build airships that simultaneously transport and use hydrogen to power their engines.
H2 Clipper’s Pipe-Within-A-Pipe™ Revolutionizes Last Mile Delivery Of Pure Hydrogen Newly issued patent provides solution to “last mile” challenge of distributing fuel cell grade hydrogen inside pipelines that run below ground under virtually every major city in the world
Meet H2 Clipper’s Pipe-Within-A-Pipe™ revolutionising ‘last mile’ delivery of pure hydrogen Such lines run below ground under virtually every major city in the world. Having a reliable way to safely utilise them to distribute pure hydrogen effectively solves the problem of distributing fuel cell grade hydrogen...
H2 Clipper Will Resurrect Hydrogen Airships to Haul Green Fuel Across the Planet Hydrogen is increasingly being seen as a promising alternative for hard to decarbonize sectors. But transporting hydrogen remains a sticking point. H2 Clipper has an ingenious workaround
Could hydrogen airships return as fast, cheap, green cargo transports? Investors in green hydrogen projects have plenty of skin in the game and an incentive not just to develop potential markets for their hydrogen, but to rehabilitate its image