H2 Clipper Will Resurrect Hydrogen Airships to Haul Green Fuel Across the Planet

Hydrogen is increasingly being seen as a promising alternative for hard to decarbonize sectors. But transporting hydrogen remains a sticking point. H2 Clipper has an ingenious workaround

While transitioning away from fossil fuels will prove crucial in our efforts to combat climate change, it’s easier said than done for some industries. Hydrogen is increasingly being seen as a promising alternative for these hard to decarbonize sectors.

But transporting hydrogen remains a sticking point: Areas that are abundant in renewable energy such as sun and wind are not always close to where the hydrogen is needed. Shipping large amounts of the gas around the world will clearly be a major logistical challenge, but a start-up called H2 Clipper has an ingenious workaround.

The California company plans to build airships that simultaneously transport hydrogen and use it as a lighter-than-air gas to provide the aircraft with lift. On top of that, its airships will also use hydrogen fuel cells to power their engines.

While the project is still at the concept stage, the company says that thanks to modern aeronautical design, stronger and lighter-weight materials, and modern fabrication techniques, their airship will be faster, safer, and more efficient than its predecessors. And the company was recently selected for inclusion in an accelerator run by software major Dassault Systems.


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